Monday, March 19, 2007

St. Paddies

After spending the entire previous day seeking refuge from the Ice Storm in my warm apartment, I was easily convinced to go downtown and participate in the St. Patrick’s day festivities.

After meeting up with some SIPA friends, we headed to 5th Ave. to see the parade. The weather was good, crisp and sunny, and the atmosphere festive. We got there around noon, and there were already people well inebriated, celebrating the banishing of the snakes from Ireland.

Everyone came out for the fun, and under the watchful eye of the New York Police Department, even the gnomes and birds felt safe enough to walk around and watch the parade…

After that, we continued to an Irish pub, that surprise surprise, played Irish music and served Irish food (mmmm cabbage). After several pints of good ol` Irish bitter, I was easily convinced to try another pub (that served green beer) and then another and another and another, until I got home at around midnight. What started as an innocent mid-day parade ended six hours latter in a drunken stopper, just like a Saturday should 


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