Sunday, June 03, 2007

May Updates, Part I

I will begin with an apology. There were allot of events this past month and i didn't update anything. I was a bad blogger, sorry for that.

To begin with, I graduated. My mother flew in for the week of celebrations, which we both enjoyed. It began on May 14 with our own school (SIPA) ceremony, which was very long and in a church. All our names were called out and we shook hands with Dean Anderson (Dean of the School).

On May 16 we had the larger Columbia University commencement, where my Masters Degree was officially conferred. It was a very big to-do with hundreds of graduating students all dressed up in their smurf-like gowns.

It was all very new for me, since i had not done high-school or undergrad in America, so i missed out on all the dressy stuff. Despite my complaining it was fun, and I did enjoy sharing it with all the amazing people i meet and became friends with over the past two years.

Being at SIPA was the first time i meet so many diverse people who shared my own interests and who i could relate to. I am sad to leave them, and New York, but take strength in knowing that i will keep in touch with them no matter where on this planet we may find ourselves...

To all my SIPA peeps, Solidarity


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