Monday, August 21, 2006

Hard life of a Grad` student

Well I see that you have all been eagerly hitting my Blog, and we have now happily have over 200 hits. Way to go!!

So now I feel pressure to supply you with the goods, worthy of such attention. We shall start with the boring stuff first. I started my 1st week of classes at the Lee Kuan Yew school of Public Policy. Yes yes, it is as exciting as it sounds. At some opening lecture they tried convincing us that public policy is “sexy”. I can just see the t-shirts… while not exactly sexy, it is interesting, with a strong Asian focus (no, I am not writing that just to avoid being a PNG…). The syllabus for the courses are filled with non-western authors, which is a nice change from SIPA and their “Made in the US” approach.

Once again, I also spent time hitting the local night-club scene. After some sushi and sake, we enjoyed some Hip-Hop at Dbl O. here is a taste…


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