Monday, August 21, 2006

I need a vacation…

After a tough week of back-to-school blues, we (the SIPA exchange students) headed down to Indonesia for some much need beach time. We went to the east cost of Pulau Bintan, to a small beach near Teluk Bakau. It took us about 2 hours by ferry from Singapore, and then another hour on a taxi. There really wasn’t much to see there but beach, and not much to do but chill, read, and drink – just what the doctor ordered.

The northern part of the island has been taken over by Singaporean developers, and there are 5 star hotels and golf courses there. The eastern side however is pretty much empty, in very sharp contrast. Very few backpackers venture out there, and I wouldn’t say that it is a hidden paradise, and probably won’t go back, but it was dirt cheap and pretty sweet. The entire weekend cost around $90.

Now I can start a new week of school and fun….


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